Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Long time no Blog

Long time no blog i c.... many of u have been pestering me to update my blog and write something interesting.. alas my lack of creativity and drive has left me nothing to write but simply the mst recent happenings and thoughts of mine.

First and foremost I am defo over my emo phase. I went through shit loads, like seriously everything went wrong at the same time. It was realli depressing. However its the past now. I would like to thank paul and peanut coz they r awesome and allowed me to burden them with my trouble. But a big thank you to desmond. He literally dragged me through it. Hes a gd friend. Everybody i believe u should become friends wit desmond, coz if there is any one that u could rely on in ur time to b there next to u, it would b desmond. VOTE 1 DES. =]

MSU Ball
lol had a blast, it was such a gd nite....well wat i can remember. Actualli no i lied the ending bit of the ball was a bit rough but thats all patched up now, and its better than ever b4, u probs no wat i am talking about yer =]. Ne way the ball was awesome mainly due to the ppl that i was there wit. That wud have to be the avies crew ~ Paul, Nage, Des and Dom. Yep we cam whored the entire red carpet. I must say though that stories and memories of Nage and her antics will either torment me or enrich my stories for many yrs to come. I wont bring them up, coz i think they have been replayed many times b4. Not to forget the awesome dancing of Dom, he burnt it up. Admittingly i did had a bit to drink mainly champagne lol. Sorry tam, i did spill an excessive amount of champagne on u. Oh yer and thanks to diana for keeping me company as every1 went to dance to trance. =]

we r off to lunch so till next time bye

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Desolation of one's Despair

For a brief eternalistic moment the sun glistens and the souless body is filled with a sense of contempt and compassion. i close my eyes to let my senses ponder the blissful moment, but in that exact everlasting moment it was gone. Even with my eyes closed i could feel the relentless pressure of the darkness pressing against me, constricting me, absorbing all light to the point that even they glimmer with a sense of despair ... all happiness, faith and hope taken from them like candy from a baby. My lungs fill with a heavy breath, refusing to open my eyes denying the change in scenary. Yet finally unable to resist anymore, i open my eyes to find myself falling through the dark abyss of nothingness. No not falling... More like supsended in time, floating in nothingness, the darkness, blunting and dulling my senses constricting me evermore. There i lie in an abyss of darkness, that even the random glistening sources of light have little more than spec of hope, whether neither time, nor light exists, waiting not for hope, neither for light. But anticipating the moment when darkness itself will consume its victim, absorbing the light from me as it did the light and all else that shone in my life. Its no longer worth fighting against. Its beyond the point of that, well beyond. I have long lost the will to flounder, to hold onto life, grasping for something, anything. No i have conceded. Nothing could save me now, except for the friendship thati so desperately clung to. However that is long gone, alogn with that eternalistic moment of contempt.... that is nothing more than a memory now, a figment of mymind, locked away in my mind, as I am locked away in this darkness....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bom Chika Wah Wah

It seems like everyone has a blog so i thought i might as well join the band wagon and get a one as well, actually the main reason would be the impending law assigment that is due in very soon, yet the procstination abilities of myself even astound me. Whilst I have been inspired by the likes of peanut and lionel to get a blog i highly dount that i could match the artistic poetic elegance of peanut, nor the intellectual depths of lionel, neither the emotic (emo + romatic) writing abilities of leong or the comedic genius of various other blogs out there. And that pretty much is my life story, cursed with mediocracy. That is me that is PJ, in one word.

As this is my first blog i would like to pay tribute to my friends and family

Family - u guys rock. Luvs my family and the way it runs..... U guys dominate, wudnt trade it for the world. Pretty much u guys mean the world to me.

Friends - I will endeavour to right about every1, but alas i do not have the time nor the intellectual ability to do so. Sorry. Most of u no who u guys r, coz i let u guys no when i can.

High School Friends

Jo - Although ur in england now, and we dont have daily contact, u have been and always will be one of the closest friends i have. All through high school u were there and i thank u, the friendship that we share is truly remarkable.

Johno Crew - The Pavs, Tara, Chezza, Toe - Knee, Patty, Toddles, Ash (fellow head person) Heni, ..... And the list goes on.... pretty all of u guys have played a part in who i am today, and whilst i may not keep in contact on a regular basis u guys still mean the world to me.

Calc Crew 07- well actualli its more like DS crew now coz well nage and i kinda started a revolution, adn it spread pretty much throughout the engineering 1st years lol. It comprises of well

Nage - The northy, actualli we r all pretty much northies, cept she is the furtherst north. She's down with it. Undoubtedly the whitetest out of all of us, a refreshing change lol.

Paul - I guess the child in the group, whilst his mental and maturity age far exceeds mine, physically ...... well that will become clear in the near future. But for now lets just say that paul made size 27 skinny leg jeans look like gansta jeans... did i mention they were female jeans?? Thats y we adore him

Katt - The eccentric one in the group. Also the person most likely to be injured. And when she does get injured ull hear about it.... for weeks, even after the injury has healed and gone away. Yep thats y she is katt.

Me - well there isnt much to say, 'cept that paul calls me the unstable one. Its true i am rather unstable but when ur morbidly obese u wud assume so.

Dom - newly recruited, coz he does 1020 with us now lol. Dom and i actualli go way back, to our swimming days. He is quite the shopper, and a southy... we r quite proud of that fact. Also he wears polo blue.

Des - Also newly recruited, cept for diff reasons, awesome bloke that just gets along with every1. cant fault him. (paul thinks i worship the ground he walks on .... sif ) also he is buff as hell, so its gd so that he can protect paul from being mugged again.

Then there's the Learning Centre Crewe

Lionel - zomg. i realli have nothing to say cept he is a gd guy and uber smart. Also his jokes r so lame they r kinda funny.

Andu- Jay Chou lover.... also realli smart ... especially at c programming.

Wilfred - looks like winnie the pooh on steriods lol another one of the nerdy students. Oh yer and simon discovered today he plays might of magic or wat eva that card game is called lol.

Leong - Hahahahahah current president of LFGF /WFC, introduced us to the term 'lah' , went to the same school as lionel.... so therefore uber smart as well

Peanut - The polite child. The friendliest guy out there and to top it off he is pretty smart too.

Ka - Seng - i think i shud say uncle, zomg he is another uber smart one.... topped lionel in the geng exam. lol


Leong - lol president

Simon - used to b a member but i no deep down in his heart he will always be ..... no shudnt say LFGF lol

Jason - funny in a odd way...

Eugene - the pretty boy, also the cheese lover

Kwan - ............. Hmmmm......................Has a nice smile ?!

Meng - Quite the hilarious one this is. He is cool, and has nice fashion accesories lol.

Sago - BCC guy from northshore, awesome hair and also happens to b a cam whore lol.

Jun - gansta, he has a pen right that does is like an assasin pen and can kill like a hundred people at once... wat can i say its gangsta korean jun.

Glen - the token ? white guy in the group lol


Tina, Tsang ( no not realli just wanted to b polite =] ), Shen, Hilary (fellow 1020 buddy - i tried to copy her writing for a whole semester), Nilson, Annita, Stacey, Viv.

Allied Tav - is falling apart which makes me uber sad coz i never see Jess or Leah these days and the other allied tav ppl too =(.

Other U -Dub peeps - Kevin, Fiona, Nat, Bentley, Dom (the other one), Beau, Scarlet, yer and lots of others just cant remember atm.

Swimming peeps - heaps missing the original guys, like Katie, Essie, Courtney, Michael and not my brother. Swimming was never the same without u guys lol


I kinda forgot wat i was gonna write at the end of this but yer lol
So bye for now
