Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Long time no Blog

Long time no blog i c.... many of u have been pestering me to update my blog and write something interesting.. alas my lack of creativity and drive has left me nothing to write but simply the mst recent happenings and thoughts of mine.

First and foremost I am defo over my emo phase. I went through shit loads, like seriously everything went wrong at the same time. It was realli depressing. However its the past now. I would like to thank paul and peanut coz they r awesome and allowed me to burden them with my trouble. But a big thank you to desmond. He literally dragged me through it. Hes a gd friend. Everybody i believe u should become friends wit desmond, coz if there is any one that u could rely on in ur time to b there next to u, it would b desmond. VOTE 1 DES. =]

MSU Ball
lol had a blast, it was such a gd nite....well wat i can remember. Actualli no i lied the ending bit of the ball was a bit rough but thats all patched up now, and its better than ever b4, u probs no wat i am talking about yer =]. Ne way the ball was awesome mainly due to the ppl that i was there wit. That wud have to be the avies crew ~ Paul, Nage, Des and Dom. Yep we cam whored the entire red carpet. I must say though that stories and memories of Nage and her antics will either torment me or enrich my stories for many yrs to come. I wont bring them up, coz i think they have been replayed many times b4. Not to forget the awesome dancing of Dom, he burnt it up. Admittingly i did had a bit to drink mainly champagne lol. Sorry tam, i did spill an excessive amount of champagne on u. Oh yer and thanks to diana for keeping me company as every1 went to dance to trance. =]

we r off to lunch so till next time bye